Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Concept work

Playing with concept and style. I apologize that the last two are photos; I didn't feel like fighting my way to my scanner today!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Practicing my Kirby Krackle.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A challenge?

A challenge I say! I believe that I'm going to, starting tomorrow, do a 26 day challenge.

What does this challenge entail, you might ask? Well, I'm going to do a different page in my sketchbook devoted to a different letter of the alphabet. I'll pick a word from each letter and fill one page in my sketchbook of that subject. The goal here is to draw something I've never drawn before every day for 26 days. I'll post them as I do them, too, so be on the lookout for those!
Older study that I liked pulled from my facebook uploads to help add stuff to the blog

Plant Concept

Concept of a character in a graphic novel I plan to be working on, although I may end up releasing it chapter-by-chapter instead.

This character is Plant, and he's a goblin prince. He's delightfully refined, yet doesn't understand many of the workings of the human world.

Getting started!

Time to get this thing started and explain a bit.

In the weeks/months/years to come, I intend to populate this bare, empty blog with artwork that I do for practice, as well as with concepts and personal fine art. It'll be my own living digital sketchbook archive.

I'm working on a graphic novel, and page layouts and stuff like that may well find its way here, too, which should prove to be an exciting venture.

I'm gonna start this thing off with a self-portrait I've recently painted in oils. It's not quite done yet, but I believe it's done enough to show.